

@ 9:30am

@ 9:50am

Family Table
Family Sunday


9033 E. Easter Place Centennial, CO 80112

The Worship Center is located straight through the main lobby, on the lower level.

An elevator is located in the main lobby with accessible parking on the east side (the main lot), additional accessible parking is around the north side (side lot) which provides entry directly on the lower level.


We come as family to the table of grace.

FIRST TABLE - fellowship time with coffee/food - a vital part of our time together!
SECOND TABLE - gathering around the table of grace for singing, preaching of the Word, prayer, testimony, and Lord's Supper.

FAMILY TABLE - potluck lunch following service
FAMILY SUNDAY - breakfast potluck before service

the Gospel

Mitch Giannatala - January 26, 2025

RESPONDING TO GOD - Deadly Delusions of Life

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Shining the Light
of Christ

For All.
In All.
Over All.


The Church is a people, not a place.

A people who are defined by their relationship to God. There are a lot of organization the utilize "church" as part of thier identity, or who put it as place on a map. The Church was, is, and will be - those who respond with faith to the Word of God. This is why we make the Bible central to our identity as LUMA Bible Church - it is in God's Word hearing, recieving, growing, seeing, doing, faith God's Word - and Christ, the Word made flesh is the message of God Himself come for us. What we can know, what we must know, is all in God's self-revelation. Jesus commanded those who would follow him to advance the mission of reaching, teaching, and redeeming all nations through the means of God's Word. That proclamation of Christ as LORD and Savior is our mission and what we call "the Gospel" -- that is is the (good)news that in Jesus Christ the True and Living God has made a way for relationship with Him. The church grows as the Gospel spreads in people - not as we build more places we call "church". The people in relationship with God through Christ are described as branches which are connected to a vine - they are filled with life-giving sustenance to produce fruit. This is the work of the Holy Spirit being continually, constantly, and necessarily filled, renewed, pruned to increase the fruit. Our happens when we gather to see Christ in the Spirit-breathed Word and it works in our lives. Part of the fruit that happens in our lives as we are connected to Christ, filled with the Spirit, vitally dependent on God is we have a joyful desire to be like Jesus and we seek obedience to Christ's words among others who are in communion with Christ and are therefore connected also to one another. Obeying the command of gathering regularly together for worship is for our good and part of our identity. Those who are called out from amongst the world to glorify God in a gathered: singing, praying, sharing, communing, and partaking of the table of grace, all shaped by faith in God and His Word.

God has gifted the church with those tasked with overseeing and care of the souls in the gathering, and to assure the benefit and nuturing of the people is a regular diet of feeding on Christ. Jesus told Peter to "feed the sheep" - the people are the flock of God, Jesus is The Good Shepherd, and all those who serve Jesus to care for the sheep, must do so after His command and example. The glory of Jesus is central to our gathering, our equipping and teaching - LUMA's feeds the flock with messages that are expositing the Words of God verse-by-verse. Led and cared for by the elder(s) of the local gathering who are able, qualified and committed to this wonderful-fearsome task.

Jesus does not have many brides - He has one - the Church, there is only one people of God, this shows God's intention for us, and a gift to us, is US! The people of God in communion: gathered, in-person to share in His blessings, and the life of being among the believers, please do not neglect or despise this gift by skipping gatherings. Whether you belong at LUMA or another Bible-teaching church --  online sermons are a resource, not a replacement for belonging in the Church.

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

1 JOHN 1:4