LUMA Bible Church is an autonomous, community, Bible, church.
Autonomous: in that we are not governed by, or subsidiary of a denomination or presbytery.
Community: in that we are local in missional-focus and constituency.
Bible: in that God’s Word is the authority for all of life and practice, it is all serving the Gospel of Christ which is the power of salvation – For All, In All, Over All.
Church: in that the people (ecclesia) are specifically those whom God has called from among the world to bear His name and steward His Glory and Spirit to worship him – fulfilling the redemptive purposes of God throughout human history in the covenant of faith.
We believe Jesus is LORD and declare that in our teachings explicitly and in alignment of our mission.
GOVERNANCE: The Church are those who are called out by grace, redeemed by the work of the Holy Spirit in in faith responding to the Gospel declared. The Church is variously described as the Bride of Christ, a Living Temple made of living stones, the body of Christ — ultimately subordinate to the LORD Jesus Christ it’s Head – given life, indwelt and sealed by God the Spirit. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit-Breathed Word, the Church is ordered under God’s design to be Shepherded (also referenced as ruling) by a plurality of (locally-present) elders – whom are qualified, confirmed Biblically, and gifted to preach and teach the Word– for the purpose of the upbuilding of the Saints to maturity, to equip all for the work of ministry, to the attainment of unity in faith, to present servants prepared and faithful, to advance the Gospel and Kingdom of Christ until the LORD Jesus returns. The office of elder is only to be held by qualified men in accordance with Scripture as a reflection of God’s designs in nature, and His church.
TEACHING: The teaching at LUMA is predominately expositional (verse-by-verse explanation and application of the Scripture) through entire books of the Bible. Topical preaching may happen at various seasons and with guests teachers. Pastor Mitch is reformed in soteriology, affirming of the doctrines of grace and teaches with an emphasis on God’s sovereign providence in all things.
BELIEFS: LUMA is credo-baptist, and we endorse a covenantal view of redemption through faith and we align with various historic creeds including the Apostle’s Creed, the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession as well as Westminster Confession of faith. While the historic confessions may have disagreements between them, they are faithful to essential matters of theology and originate primarily through holding to infallibility of Scripture thus holding doctrinal positions consistent with them is to trust Scripture.